Bayou Lacache Pump Station

Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District
Delta Coast Consultants
Date of Completion
December 1, 2021
General Contractor
Sealevel Construction

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Project Overview
Sealevel Construction was the general contractor for the Bayou Lacache Pump Station Improvements project, which included:
- Dewatering of an existing weir structure in Bayou LaCache at Bush Canal
- Removal of existing sheet piles and attached structures that serves as a variable crest weir on the protected side (Bayou LaCache) of the levee system
- Replacement of existing gates on discharge pipes and flow-thru culverts into Bush Canal
- Improvements to timber fendering protection structure in Bush Canal
- Piping system improvements consisting of the replacement of existing above ground 48” steel pipe, and insertion of new 42” PE pipe through existing underground 48” steel pipe
- Construction of pumping system
- Construction of fuel platform and engine platform
- Placement of rip rap for scour protection